Monday, November 21, 2011


I feel like I should begin by explaining myself a bit.

My name is Chance. I live the small town life in Kansas with my Wife Whitney & 5 dogs. We love God, each other, our families, small town living & so much more.

"A Flicker In The Ages..." kind of a curious title, no?

It makes a lot of sense if you know the context...

Dr. Walter A. Maier, the voice of Radio's "The Lutheran Hour" in the early 20th century said this in a broadcast that aired first on December 26th 1937. In the middle of the great Depression & prior to the 2nd World War. In the sermon he says, "life at its longest, is just a flicker in the ages."

My blog, will be devoted to those flickers that cross mine every day.

I hope you enjoy reading...

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